MySQL server start, stop or restart on MAC (lion)

How to start, stop, restart MySQL server on your MAC machine? mysql server start, mysql server stop and mysql server restart are three basic things that you will require during development of your project with MySQL server dependency.

When working with MySQL for your Ruby on Rails as a database, many a times you have to start your MySQL server to establish database connection with your Rails Project. You have to follow command listed below to start, stop or restart MySQL server.

1: Start MySQL Server

Command to Start MySQL server i.e. mysql server start using command line :

$ mysql.server start
$ mysqld
Starting MySQL

Above message will be displayed on successful start up of MySQL server.

2: Stop MySQL Server

Command to Stop MySQL server i.e. mysql server stop using command line:

$ mysql.server stop
Shutting down MySQL

Above message will be displayed on successful shut down of MySQL server.

3: Restart MySQL Server

When your server is already started and you want to restart it for some reason then you can do this by the following command:

Command to Restart MySQL server i.e. mysql server restart using command line:

$ mysql.server restart
Shutting down MySQL
Starting MySQL

Above message is displayed on successful restart of your MySQL server.

If you want version related information for your MySQL server, you can get it by following command:

$ mysql
$ mysql > show variables like "%version%";

All the other SQL related operations/queries that you many want to do can be done at mysql> command level. So, in this post we learned about mysql server start, mysql server stop and mysql server restart on command line for MAC devices. The procedure is similar for the Windows devices, it’s just that you have to go to MySQL directory once and then execute these commands as it is.


If you are having trouble starting MySQL server on your machine then first of all kill all processes started by MySQL and again start the MySQL server.

Command to delete all processes started by MySQL -

ps aux | grep mysql | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill

Akshay Mohite

Hi there! I am a Ruby on Rails & ReactJS Enthusiast, building some cool products at DTree Labs.

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