Google Cloud HTTPs load balancing with Letsencrypt certificate

To setup HTTPs load balancer on Google Cloud Platform , we need to create an SSL certificate beforehand. Letsencrypt can be used to create an SSL certificate free of cost. The SSL certificate provided by Letsencrypt is valid for 3 months. In this article, we will learn how to setup HTTPs load balancing using Letsencrypt certificate for a Ruby on Rails application on Google Cloud Platform.

1. Create a Letsencrypt certificate

To create a Letsencrypt certificate, the prerequisites are listed below.

  • A domain name.
  • Access to the application on the domain name.

The process of creating an SSL certificate requires the commands to be run either on the server for which an SSL certificate is being installed or we need an access to the application that is deployed on the domain for which SSL certificate is being requested for.

Google Cloud Load Balancer gives us an IP address and we actually do not have a separate application to use to run commands required for generating a Letsencrypt certificate.


Certbot is a utility used to create the certificate. Certbot can be installed on MAC OS X using brew package manager with the command given below.

1) Install certbot

brew install certbot

Once certbot is installed, run the command below to initiate certificate generation request.

2) Run certificate generation request

sudo certbot certonly --manual -d www.example.com

Replace www.example.com with the name of your domain. It will guide you through the process and it will ask for some inputs such as email, organization name, city etc. The email will be used to send an alert regarding the domain expiration notices.

3) Verify the domain

Certbot will try to verify the domain by giving you a unique URL and it will expect a unique response to make sure the domain is owned by you.

For example, it will ask for


And it will expect


in response.

If you are working with a Ruby on Rails application, this can be achieved quickly just with the Rails routes.

You can just add a route as given below,

get ".well-known/acme-challenge/VMAd1o01ZxsEN9o77z4vuQGwGPG6_HB3aFsrtHyDZBo", to: proc { [200, {}, ['VMAd1o01ZxsEN9o77z4vuQGwGPG6_HB3aFsrtHyDZBo.xiOXpNgH57i4iI1D7ATqjbGrkfPbcszZwbnGqP4N4pk']] }

4) Certificate generated

At the end of the process you will have an access to following files.

  • fullchain.pem
  • cert.pem
  • chain.pem
  • private.pem

These files would be used in the next steps while configuring SSL certificate resources on Google Cloud Platform’s console.

2. Configure on Google Cloud Console

Head to the Google Cloud Load Balancer option on Cloud Console. If you are not familiar with configuring Google Cloud Load Balancer, please take a moment to go through video given below.

Once you have a load balancer resource ready, you can use it to create HTTPs access to it by creating a new certificate.

1) Move to Load Balancer

Console > Network Services > Load Balancing

Move to load balancer page on Google cloud console as shown in the snapshot given below.

Load Balancing | GCP

2) Select a load balancer

Assuming you were able to create a load balancer after going through video given above, select a load balancer from the list on which you need to install the SSL certificate.

Open the edit page for the load balancer. It would look something like a snapshot given below.

Load Balancer Edit page | GCP

3) Create an SSL certificate resource

In Frontend configuration section, click on Add Frontend IP and port. Enter the details for the fields requested as given below.

New Frontend and IP configuration | GCP

  • Name: Lowercase, no spaces.
  • Protocol: Select HTTPS from the dropdown.
  • IP version: Select IPv4 from the dropdown.
  • IP address: Select IP address or keep Ephemeral option.
  • Port: 443 (comes default when you select protocol to be HTTPS)
  • Certificate: Dropdown is displayed when you select protocol to be HTTPS

In the certificate dropdown, select Create a new certificate option. It will present a dialog as shown below.

SSL Certificate Creation Dialog | GCP

Input values from the Step 1 obtained in these inputs.

  • Name: Name for the SSL certificate resource
  • Public key certificate: Content from the cert.pem file
  • Certificate chain: Content from the chain.pem file
  • Private key: Content from the file private.pem file

Hit Create button, it will validate and create an SSL certificate resource. Update the Load Balancer configuration. It will 5 to 10 minutes come to an effect.

Verify the HTTPS access to your site works by entering an IP address in the browser.


Akshay Mohite

Hi there! I am a Ruby on Rails & ReactJS Enthusiast, building some cool products at DTree Labs.

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