Rails 6 ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess fix

Rails 6 fixes without (alias of slice) method on ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferent for sybmol arguments.

ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess#except is aliased to without method. When symbol argument was sent to without method on ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferent object, it used to return the same object. It did not consider symbol arguments to perform without operation.

Let’s take an example to demonstrate the use case.

hash = { a: 4, b: 6, c: 7 }.with_indifferent_access

Before Rails 6

Now, if we want to fetch a new hash without key value pair having key a.

hash.without :a
    "a" => 4,
    "b" => 6,
    "c" => 7

As we can see from the result above, the resultant hash has the key passed as a symbol argument to without method.

Whereas it works if we pass string argument as given below.

hash.without "a"
    "b" => 6,
    "c" => 7

After Rails 6

Rails 6 has fixed the bug describe above. Now, if we try to perform the same operation, it gives the expected result with a hash having key-value pair having key a omitted from the result.

hash.without :a
    "b" => 6,
    "c" => 7

It also works with string argument to without method on ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.

hash.without "a"
    "b" => 6,
    "c" => 7

All this works as shows above with except method as well.



Akshay Mohite

Hi there! I am a Ruby on Rails & ReactJS Enthusiast, building some cool products at DTree Labs.

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