Rails find_in_batches vs find_each

Often, we come across querying in batches to fetch records through ActiveRecord in Rails. This article discusses how we can use find_in_batches and find_each to query records in batches with ActiveRecord.

Fetching all records with, causes performance issue. It loads all records in memory at once. To resolve this, use find_each instead of all.each.

Let’s consider User schema as given below.

class User < ApplicationRecord {
                       :id => :integer,
                     :name => :string,
                    :email => :text,
                    :age   => :integer,
       :encrypted_password => :string,
               :created_at => :datetime,
               :updated_at => :datetime

1. find_in_batches

To query records in batches, we can use find_in_batches . It returns a group of records being queried. Then, we can iterate over the group to get individual record to process.

  User.where('age > 19').find_in_batches do |users|
    users.each do |user|
      puts "User: #{user.name}, Age: #{user.age}"

This fetches users in batches from database and gives us a group of users in variable users. We have iterated over users variable, to print user name and age in the loop.

Supported options

find_in_batches support multiple options to control number of records queried and fetched in a batch. It also supports, start and finish options to indicate where to start from and where to end quering.

Below are the supported options for find_in_batches:

  • batch_size - Number of records to be queried and fetched in the batch. Default value is 1000
  • start - specifies the minimum value of primary key to start querying from. inclusive of value provided.
  • finish - specifies the maximum value of primary key to start querying from. inclusive of value provided.

These options are useful, if we want to query records and the order in which we query and process them is not a concern. In such case, we can parallelize to improve performance of such operation by using start and finish option.

2. find_each

find_each is an extension to ActiveRecord based on the way people use find_in_batches.

find_each calls find_in_batches internally.

Usually, we need to

  • query in batches
  • process individual records from batch

As discussed earlier, find_in_batches does the exact same thing.

We can use find_each without worrying about the batch queries. It takes care of it internally. The code described above can be written as given below with find_each.

  User.where('age > 19').find_each do |user|
    puts "User: #{user.name}, Age: #{user.age}"

As we can see, find_each returns a user for iteration.

    def find_each(start: nil, finish: nil, batch_size: 1000, error_on_ignore: nil)
      if block_given?
        find_in_batches(start: start, finish: finish, batch_size: batch_size, error_on_ignore: error_on_ignore) do |records|
          records.each { |record| yield record }
        enum_for(:find_each, start: start, finish: finish, batch_size: batch_size, error_on_ignore: error_on_ignore) do
          relation = self
          apply_limits(relation, start, finish).size
Supported options

Options supported by find_each are exactly same as options supported by find_in_batches.

Below are the supported options for find_each:

  • batch_size - Number of records to be queried and fetched in the batch. Default value is 1000
  • start - specifies the minimum value of primary key to start querying from. inclusive of value provided.
  • finish - specifies the maximum value of primary key to start querying from. inclusive of value provided.

Thus, unless and until you need explicity control over start and finish option on the batches or you need batches based on custom start and finish options, you can use find_each to avoid an overhead of managing iteration of batches.


Akshay Mohite

Hi there! I am a Ruby on Rails & ReactJS Enthusiast, building some cool products at DTree Labs.

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