Rails What is attr_accessor in Rails? attr_accessor is used to define an attribute for object of Model which is not mapped with any column in database. This answers question - What is attr_accessor in Rails.
Rails Rails Migration Difference between Text and String While working with Rails Migration Difference between Text and String is important to be known to every developer. Columns and their data types are finalized while deciding Table structure.
Rails How to integrate Semantic UI Rails with Rails App Semantic UI is the new popular CSS, JS framework for beautifying your Website. Tutorial will help understand how to integrate Semantic UI with Rails application and how to test the sample Semantic UI
Rails How to integrate Twitter Bootstrap Rails with Rails How to Integrate Twitter Bootstrap Rails with Rails project is the First question that developers have to face before starting a new project. It can be done using Gem twitter-bootstrap-rails or manually.
Rails ActiveRecord Attributes – access using Strings, Symbols and Direct Access Attributes can be accessed from ActiveRecord in various ways including symbolised, stringified or direct access. Each type of access has it’s own advantages and disadvantages as we will see in this tutorial.
Rails Rails NameError uninitialized constant class solution rails nameerror uninitialized constant class will occur if your rails console is not loaded with configuration of the class file containing method being called.