Rails Rails ActiveSupport adds Enumerable#index_with method Rails ActiveSupport Enumerable adds index_with method. This method allows creating hash with a value from block passed or default value. This is useful when we want to create a hash and value needs
Rails Rails set timezone per request Sometimes we need to have a request be processed in a particular timezone in Rails. To set a timezone per request in Rails, we can have an around filter that sets timezone, runs
Rails Rails render 404 not found from a controller action Rails redirects route not found requests to 404.html page. Sometimes, we need to redirect to 404 not found page from a controller action. This can be done by rendering 404.html page or raising
Rails Do not set Time.zone to avoid timezone issues in Rails Setting Time.zone in a Rails application changes time zone globally. Whenever Time.now is used in any other request, it uses whatever Time.zone is set to earlier. To avoid Time.zone issues, do not set
Rails Rails 5.1 Encrypted secrets management Before Rails 5.1, secrets management was a hassle. Gems like dotenv-rails, sekrets were being used to manage secrets in Rails applications. Rails 5.1 released secrets management feature based on sekrets gem. This article
Rails Rails ActiveRecord Subqueries Writing subqueries can be a tedious job, when working with Rails ActiveRecord. Rails ActiveRecord can handle subqueries. Subqueries can be written by passing ActiveRecord Relation in where clause. This article discusses how to