Rails Difference between && and and in Ruby Difference between && and and in ruby is mainly the Precedence of these operators. ‘and’ and ‘&&’ both have different precedence. This tutorial will help understanding with the help of examples.
Rails Ruby difference between collect and map This is common question for Ruby on Rails developer(Beginner). Map and Collect both are looping methods used on Array, Hash etc. This tutorial will help understanding the exact difference between these two methods.
Rails RVM basic commands rvm install, rvm uninstall, rvm use, rvm list, rvm upgrade, rvm get stable, rvm gemset like commands will be illustrated.
Rails can’t find the ‘libpq-fe.h header *** extconf.rb failed *** can’t find the ‘libpq-fe.h header *\* extconf.rb failed **, you may find this when you get error installing pg gem in your ruby environment.
Rails Ruby Count vs Length vs Size These methods are used on Arrays, Hashes or Objects. This tutorial will illustrate difference between count length and size.
Rails Rails RecordNotFound Exception Handling Rails RecordNotFound exception occurs when there is error while fetching records from database. RecordNotFound is one of the Exception Handling class provided by Rails.