Rails Github Pages Custom Domain Godaddy Setup Developers try Setting up the Blog with Github Pages and Custom Domain with Godaddy. This tutorial will help you to set up / point your Github Pages to your Custom Domain if your
Rails Send Push notifications to Android/iOS devices using Parse This tutorial will help you to send Push notifications to Android and iOS devices from Ruby on Rails application using Parse
Rails Ruby Screenshot Website Capture – Screencap, Phantomjs This tutorial will discuss various tools for Ruby Screenshot capture such as
Rails Ruby Flay Gem – DRY code base Tutorial will discuss Ruby Flay gem used to DRY up Ruby/Rails application. Flay gem enforces Best practices to be followed while coding with Ruby and Rails
Rails Resque Setup Development Mode This tutorial will guide you setting up Resque locally in development mode with Multiple workers and how to use with Rails application to process background jobs.
Rails Integrate ActiveAdmin with Rails This tutorial will help you integrating ActiveAdmin with Rails 4+ project. ActiveAdmin is open source administrative framework for Ruby on Rails.