Rails ActiveSupport adds Enumerable#index_with method

Rails ActiveSupport Enumerable adds index_with method. This method allows creating hash with a value from block passed or default value. This is useful when we want to create a hash and value needs to be generated with some custom logic.


  • Rails Enumerable already has index_by which can be used to index elements of enumerable with a particular key.
  • Enumerable#index_with comes in handy when we want a hash with customizable value.

Sample data

Let’s say we have a Post model as given below.

class Post < ApplicationRecord {
                      :id => :integer,
                   :title => :string,
                    :body => :integer

We have a post object as given below.

  post = Post.first
  # <Post:0x007fb9b024a218> {
  #                    :id => 162973,
  #                 :title => 'Enumerable index_with',
  #                  :body => 'Use Enumerable#index_with to create hash with customizable value'
  # }

Enumerable#index_with with a block

Now, we can use Enumerable#index_with as given below.

  %i(title body).index_with { |attribute| post.public_send(attribute) }


    title: 'Enumerable index_with',
    body: 'Use Enumerable#index_with to create hash with customizable value'

Enumerable#index_with with a deafult argument

index_with used whatever passed to it as an argument as a value for each key if block is not used.

Example 1

  %i(title body).index_with(nil)


    title: nil,
    body: nil

Example 2

  %i(title body).index_with([])


    title: [],
    body: []

Check out all the available methods on Enumerable to know more about handling Enumerable objects. If you want to try this feature out, compile with Rails master from Github.


Akshay Mohite

Hi there! I am a Ruby on Rails & ReactJS Enthusiast, building some cool products at DTree Labs.

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