Ruby Ruby do not use keys method on a hash in loop Today, I was looking at the internal working of a gem. While working on the same, I came across the code where the network calls were being made and it had to check
Devops Google Cloud HTTPs load balancing with Letsencrypt certificate To setup HTTPs load balancer on Google Cloud Platform , we need to create an SSL certificate beforehand. Letsencrypt can be used to create an SSL certificate free of cost. The SSL certificate
Rails Devise model custom field updates with Rails Devise gem helps in creating User Authentication layer for the Ruby on Rails applications. The other day, I was taking a session on Hackhands to resolve a query from a Ruby on Rails
Rails Rails 5.2 introduces Active Storage for File Uploads DHH [Creator of Rails] has recently announced Active Storage as a built in support for file uploads. Active Storage is targeted to be released with Rails 5.2. The development has been started on
Rails Rails 5 Pluck query changes over Rails 4 Rails 5 has improved the way query was done on database when pluck was called on a model. Before Rails 5, when pluck was called, it used to query database even if the
Rails Rails 5 Google Maps API included multilpe times error resolution While working on integrating Google Map with the Rails 5 application, faced an error saying